The Syndicate Clan
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The Syndicate Clan

Ph34r The Syndicate or get pwned
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2007-02-10

Echo Empty
PostSubject: Echo   Echo EmptySat 10 Feb à 12:24

in game name: Echøº (old name cubbe =p)

*Real name:

Style/Stance: single saber / all styles

Age: 20

The name of the TS member who referred you: JOnight

How long have you been playing JKA: over a year now

Why do you want to join The Syndicate: i got tired of base and sp damages and there are some friends in TS Smile

Do you have Xfire?: yes, echoness

List previous clans you have been in: ء (Oldboys inc),ѵߡ(Newboys inc) (leader in both)

What is your location? (country, state, and primary language):Finland

*What are your interests/hobbies:

How active are you?: well im in the army now so i play mostly on weekends when i get home Razz

List any skills you could bring to The Syndicate ie skinning,mapping,modeling,or

What do you think your weaknesses in duels are?: overhead spam xD

Will you pledge loyalty to The Syndicate only(no dual clanning)? yus.

Will you pledge the majority of your time to The Syndicate's clanserver? affirmative xD

Will you pledge to uphold our
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